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Creator of Dog Memories

Nessie the Bordercollie puttng on her happy face.

Fine Art Dog Photography


Do you  want to give yourself and your dog a special gift?

Have their portrait taken by a professional fine art dog photographer like myself!

Our creative eye can transform your dog into a beautiful work of art that you will cherish for years to come.

Why Use a Fine Art Dog Photographer to Create Memories of Your Dog ?

  • We pay attention to every detail in our work, from lighting and composition to background and angles. Our technical expertise and high-quality equipment ensure that every photograph is of the highest quality, with proper exposure, sharpness, and color balance.
  • When you work with us, you get a customized experience tailored to your preferences and your dog’s unique personality. We offer guidance on locations, props, and styling to help create meaningful photographs that reflect your dog’s individuality.
  • As fine art dog photographers, we invest in high-quality camera equipment and editing software to produce exceptional results. Our access to a range of lenses, lighting equipment, and post-processing tools ensures that your dog’s photographs are of the highest quality and can be printed or displayed in a wide range of formats.
  • Our photographs capture the special bond between dogs and their owners, creating timeless images that evoke emotions and preserve memories. These photographs will become treasured keepsakes that you can proudly display in your home and pass down through generations.

Info and bookings

A studioportrait of a rescued Galgo, one year after his arrival in Belgium.
Miss Diaya, Red Akita Inu
Lila is watching you!
Mister Karu, a gorgeous blond labrador in a black and white close-up.
Black and white portrait of a Purebred Stray.
Karu on the wall in the living room of a spacious appartment in Brussels.
Marbella dog in a Marbella mansion.
A LARGE photo of a SHIN-dog in a modern living room.
Pepper the sheepdog in black and white in a black wooden drame in a waiting room.
Tel. +32 479 36 70 27
VAT: BE0646.935.362
Noxxie....My own one-eyed Belgian Malinois. Always happy to pose for me.